Uthshargo Foundation Bangladesh is working to establish blood donation awareness among the youth. Under this initiative Uthshargo Foundation Bangladesh regularly conducts free blood grouping campaigns in different parts of the country. Besides blood donation activities are being carried out for the dying patients through the volunteers of Uthshargo Foundation Bangladesh.
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Blood Bank is a place for testing, screening, collecting, processing and storing of whole blood, packed red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma and platelet concentrate gathered as a result of blood donation by family members, friends and volunteer donors, preserved for patients use in this hospital and also other hospitals on request.
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The name of the old age home catches the face of the crying mother in front of her eyes, the weak gaze of the dreaming father. This is the absolute curse of life. It is unjust to try to raise one's son and daughter for the rest of one's life and to adopt one's child in the last life. Although the word 'old age home' has not yet been declared as an epidemic in our country, its popularity is increasing day by day.
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A physical disability is any condition that temporarily or permanently affects a person’s physical capacity and/or mobility. Physical disabilities are a kind of special need, and children with physical disabilities require special support in school.
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Zakat is a religious obligation, ordering all Muslims who meet the necessary criteria to donate a certain portion of wealth each year to charitable causes. Zakat is said to purify yearly earnings that are over and above what is required to provide the essential needs of a person or family.
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